Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Tribe toraja tribe live at part ridges north celebes south, indonesia. the population is estimated around 600.000 soul. they also menetap in this part of plain luwu and celebes west.

Name toraja the beginning is given by tribe bugis sidenreng and from luwu. person sidenreng call this region citizen with the title to riaja that meaningful" one who reside at country on or ridges" , person luwu called it to riajang that" one who reside at westside" . there also version other that word toraya origin to = tau (person), great = from word maraya (big), mean the big noise person, noble. finally reeling be toraja, and word tana mean country, so that tribe settlement place toraja known then with tana toraja.

Area tana toraja also spreaded out tondok lili'na lapongan month tana matari'allo meaning literal it" negri round like month and sun" . this area is occupied by one ethnic (ethnic toraja).

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