Thursday, January 24, 2008


Sulawesi / Celebes a indonesia property island located in between borneo island and moluccas archipelago. broadly area as big as 174.600 km², celebes is the biggest island ke-11 the whole world.
Sulawesi ( Celebes ) abuts on borneo at westside, philippine at north, flores at south, timor at south east and moluccas at eastside.

celebes consists of several provinsi, that is:

celebes west
celebes south
celebes middle
celebes south east
celebes north

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Yogyakarta Tourism

What interesting also domestic to come to yogyakarta? in holiday season, city yogyakarta far solider from days usually. several roads like fun, even vehicle must line up, especially mempusat commercial found alongside road malioboro.
Special province yogyakarta tour object total quite a lot. a large part still not yet garap seriously or less promotinged, museum tour object for example, coast baron and other as it. yogyakarta has more than 20 museums, begin from museum sonobudoyo that keep antique thing collection,
like kris and codex, up to museum affandi with painting collection priceless the price.
But such, based on data, there's only five big special province yogyakarta tour object most often visited domestic tourist also foreign countries, that is coast parangtritis, temple prambanan, happy zoo loka, palace yogyakarta and area malioboro.

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Central Java Tourism

Central Java has complete tour object. the nature tour found begin from coast side that has hot weather up to to cool ridges area, while culture tour shaped artistry, also not lose quantity. time survival formerly shaped temple very many found at central java and of course palace history tour object all at once culture not lose pentinng. palace yogyakarta and single palace or surakarta be two java culture development centres. many tour objects interestings found at location between two this palaces, belong temple borobudur pride and temple prambanan.

Between tour object that dance
Island Nusakambangan

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Kalimantan a island located in borthside java and at westside celebes island. divided be area brunei, indonesia and malaysian.
oftentimes this island is as a whole is called borneo while indonesia area is called borneo, then Malaysian area is called sarawak and sabah. besides there also sultanate brunei.
at period hindia-belanda, borneo is known as borneo. this is unknown borneo name meaningless. in prince letters tamjidil from kingdom banjar in the year 1857 to dutch resident side at banjarmasin he mentions borneo island, not island borneo. this show that among citizen, borneo name more knowledgeable from in name borneo that worn in dutch indies colonial public administration. borneo name returns to begin popular in around year 1940
In century ke-18, a large part borneo area that is from country sambas until... country berau be subordinate kingdom from sultanate banjar, but in the end wane to be a part little from borneo area south in this time because agreement with dutch side. In diamond cliff agreement at prince government time nata melaga (susuhunan nata nature) (1808-1825), sultanate banjar extradite several the conquered areas to dutch indies mengantaranya area bulungan, kutai, sand, pagatan and kotawaringin. another region also extradited to dutch porcupine, sambas, sintang and sukadana. only sultanate kernel area banjar not yet fall in gengaman dutch until year 1860. furthermore in century ke-19, dutch admits to stand it kingdoms (districts region) direct commanded bative people head that bow be dutch power (indirect bestuur).
Borneo policies distribution map.
In century xiv borneo area is vanguished elephant mada. every country that be a drainage basin during the period led a that have a title sakai. majapahit laid emperor the deputy suryanata (1365) that be country king mempa berkedudu at great temple (amuntai). in islamic religion development time several hindu kingdoms turns into islam kingdom berciri malay culture. before islamic religion appearance all borneo citizens mengategorikan cultured dayaks that consist of dayaks person, hindu malay and hindu java. sultanate banjar as sultanate deputy demak at borneo inherits several areas former conquered majapahit.
Sultanate banjar divide borneo area is king city zones, great country, manca country and pasisiran. city martapura sultanate capital banjar as ring first be king city area. ring second region outside city martapura (region banjar) great country area (kingdom kernel region banjar). ring third outside region banjar called region manca country that is area west until region kotawaringin and in the east until sand region. ring extern that is area at westside kotawaringin to country sambas called pasisir west, while pasisir east area at borthside sand region until area berau-bulungan

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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Java Island

Java island many has tour places. begin from hot coast area up to cool ridges and cold. this island has volcanic ridges front very beautiful, lengthways from west up to east at verdant fertile land. coast north has calm coast, while coast south has big wave from indonesian ocean. various beautiful tour place and astonishing many found at java. even will still many existing batural beauty never we shall visit because we shall not have the existence. lengthways ridges, temple as place prays for hindu people, also More...assorted building that be dutch colonial survival.

West Java 'house for sundanese person'. this region...... has several places interestings many visited tourist, like bandung bot only as west java city mother, but also as culture centre. at provinsi this also found palace cirebon, coast pagandaran beautiful, mount krakatau, end bational park kulon and still many again tour place that interesting.

Central Java, has many beautiful temples that are witness from brilliances all at once hindu kingdoms collapse, buddha, islam that be history part and cities development at java, like yogyakarta and single. java one of [the] island that has compact citizen at world. but we still can find remote tour place but beautiful, situated far from festivity and city noise, like plateau Dieng

East java, has mount tour place bromo with scenery that amaze. the ridges area gives many tour places. central java and east java is heaven for lover and mountaineer

Yogyakarta, has several beautiful coasts, good that is coast parangtritis, krakal also coast baron. besides found also temple prambanan also as tour place doesn't lose to interesting it.

who knows with gods island (balinese)? not only at archipelago but very famous in all the world because the beauty. balinese island prepares tour tool completeest begin from coast, top of the mountain up to downwards sea level. balinese also be artistry centre mobileest in indonesia, ubud obligatory place is visited for art lover and want to see balinese artistry development. balinese beauty not only found in coast, mount and the artistry. don't pass to enjoy the rural district area beauty with storeyed rice field at balinese east

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Indonesia is one of [the] country at world located in south-east asia part, also be archipelagic country because consist of thousands of isle. So that indonesia country is unity state, proclaimed on 17 augusts 1945 as independent country that is republic of Indonesia unity state. After approximately 300 year colonized. This country is located in the equator so that the soil very fertile. Very famous with spices plants that have come to fascination colonialists during the period.
From thousands island existing found five also big between other islands. That is island Sumatra, java, Kalimantan (borneo) island, Sulawesi (celebes) island, island Irianjaya. while other island collection found at moluccas province. Of so much many existing islands, island famousest balinese island, because completion facilities with the nature beauty astonishing.
But besides balinese island often is visited by many tourists, has also natural beauty very beautiful. even from existing islands still many tour places not yet managed or less promotion. begin from the coast to natural ridges region.
besides nature tour astonishing, has culture unity. because island apart here's, so that every island or has culture that vary. this matter is that makes rich Indonesia with culture or existing tradition from age formerly time.

Java island
* West Java
* East Java
* Central Java
* Yogyakarta
* Bali

Kalimantan ( Borneo )

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