Dance saman a custom dance usually displayed to celebrate affairs of great moment in custom and acheh society. poem in dance saman use arabian language and language gayo. besides usually this dance also displayed to celebrate to birth prophet muhammad may allah bless him and give him peace. dance name" saman" got from one of [the] big religious teacher nad, syech saman.
Meaning and function
dance saman be one of [the] media for message achievement (religious proselytizing). this dance reflects education, religious, manner, heroism, harmony and togetherness.
before saman begun that is as mukaddimah or opening, come up a clever smart old or pemuka custom for representing local society (keketar) or useful advices to players and onlooker.
song and poem pengungkapan collectiv and kontinu, the player consists of mans that still young with wear custom clothes. dance presentation can also mempentaskan, mempertandingkan between group guest with group sepangkalan (two group). evaluation menititk weigh against in ability each group in follow movement, dance and song (poem) that presented by adversary.
dance saman usually displayed doesn't use castanets accompaniment, but use voice from dancers and their applause usually mengombinasikan with strikes breast and their thigh base is as synchronization and fling down body to various direction. this dance is guided by a leader usually called syech. because formation uniformity and time precision a necessity in display this dance, so dancers is demanded to has tall concentration and serious practice so that can come up finely. this dance is especially menarikan by mans.
in period formerly, this dance is exhibition in certain custom programme, mengantaranya in ceremony commemorates prophet birthday muhammad may allah bless him and give him peace. besides, especially in present day context, this dance is demonstrated also in programmes has official, like guests visit deliver regency and country, or in opening a festivals and another programme.
song increase dancers kedinamisan from dance saman. where does manner intone songs in dance saman divided in 5 kinds:
1. rengum, that is roaring that preced by lifter.
2. dering, that is regnum soon followed by all dancers.
3. redet, that is song short by ear short sing by a dancer in part middle dance.
4. syek, that is sing song by a dancer by ear tall long shrills, usually as movement change sign
5. saur, that is song that repeated together by entire dancers after sing by single dancer.
dance saman use two movement elements that be element base in dance saman: applause and beat the breast. guessed, when distribute islamic religion, syeikh saman study ancient malay dance, then present to return via movement that espoused with islam religious proselytizing poems by memuda the religious proselytizing. in context kekinian, ritual dance has this religious stills used as media to submit religious proselytizing messages passes to shows.
dance saman belong one of [the] dance enough unique, kerena only display another movements applause movement, like movement guncang, kirep, lingang, surang-saring (all this movements language gayo)
in general, dance saman perfominged by flog or tens man, but the total must odd. but, in development furthermore, this dance also perfominged by class woman, but there is no mixture. opinion other say this dance menarikan approximately from 10 person, with details 8 dancers and 2 person as order givers while sang. to regulate various the movement menunjuklah a leader that called syeikh. besides regulate movement dancers, syeikh also have a duty to intone song poems saman.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Dance saman
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Tribe toraja tribe live at part ridges north celebes south, indonesia. the population is estimated around 600.000 soul. they also menetap in this part of plain luwu and celebes west.
Name toraja the beginning is given by tribe bugis sidenreng and from luwu. person sidenreng call this region citizen with the title to riaja that meaningful" one who reside at country on or ridges" , person luwu called it to riajang that" one who reside at westside" . there also version other that word toraya origin to = tau (person), great = from word maraya (big), mean the big noise person, noble. finally reeling be toraja, and word tana mean country, so that tribe settlement place toraja known then with tana toraja.
Area tana toraja also spreaded out tondok lili'na lapongan month tana matari'allo meaning literal it" negri round like month and sun" . this area is occupied by one ethnic (ethnic toraja).
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Animal cultivation and water plants
Glad likely if has a aquarium beautiful, contain fishes that interesting. All that can you obtain at a web site this. A website that discuss about how do we do treatment towards our pet fish.
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If obvious from the mentioned on we still unclear, so can we come along mobile insides forum. where insides forum discussed various troubleshoot and trouble-shooting whom we face in run our hobby. So that website this is very good in the effort nature preservation and as our love takes care environment around we.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Majapahit a ancient kingdom in indonesia ever stands from around year 1293 up to 1500 m. this kingdom achieves the triumph top in power time hayam wuruk, top kick from year 1350 up to 1389. majapahit dominate another kingdoms at malay peninsula, borneo, sumatra, balinese, and philippine.
Kingdom majapahit latest hindu kingdom at malay peninsula and assumed as one of the biggest country in the history of indonesia indonesian history. [2 the power sweetings at sumatra, malay peninsula, borneo and indonesia east, although the power area stills debated. [3]
majapahit a ancient kingdom in indonesia ever stands from around year 1293 up to 1500 m. this kingdom achieves the triumph top in power time hayam wuruk, top kick from year 1350 up to 1389. majapahit dominate another kingdoms at malay peninsula, borneo, sumatra, balinese, and philippine.
kingdom majapahit latest hindu kingdom at malay peninsula and assumed as one of the biggest country in the history of indonesia indonesian history. [2 the power sweetings at sumatra, malay peninsula, borneo and indonesia east, although the power area stills debated. [3]
Monday, November 17, 2008
Karapan Sapi ( Karapan Cow )
Karapan cow is word used to denote called cow race race that come from island madura, east java. in this race, a pair cow that interesting a kind of carriage from wood (jockey place stands and restrain cow pair) mempacu in race fights fast oppose cow pairs other. trek race usually around 100 meters and race race can go on around ten until fifteen second. several cities at madura conduct karapan cow in august and september every year, with finals match at the end of september or october at city pamekasan to memperebut cup takes president.
kerapan cow is foregone with mengarak cow pairs surround race arena with escorted gamelan madura that called saronen. first round group determination wins and group loses. second round group champion determination loses, third round group champion determination is wining. cup takes only given in group champion wins.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
House Banjar
Follow idwar pious (1984: 5) house tradisonal banjar type special house banjar with style and the carving self begin before year 1871 until year 1935. usually tradisional house banjar is built with ber-anjung (ba-anjung) that is building wing that run out from side right and left principal building therefore is called house baanjung. facade is tradisional house individuality banjar, despite of also several type house banjar not ber-anjung. house type tall valuable tall cam house usually is worn for palace building (in sultan). so the value equal to house joglo at java that worn as palace. grandeur a administrator in kingdom government time is measuresed by size quantity and art quality with kingdom buildings fame especially king palace (tall cam house). in a tribe settlement banjar consist of diverse house kind banjar that reflect also economy status the pawnbroker. in village house is built with linear pattern follows also highway consists of house that built to float above water, house that founded above also house that founded at landing, good in wet tune (alluvial) also dry farming.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Selat Sunda

As one of the two principal tracks that flows from sea china south aim samudra indies (the other one again malacca straits), sunda strait is important fairway. although danger likes the narrow straits and reef threatens, vast shorter sunda strait from malacca strait so that ship that sail here little the possibility to blocked by pirate.
In the early 1942, at sunda strait happens battle between japanese troop that is led by young admiral kenzaburo hara drown cruiser ally uss houston and hmas perth moment second ship try to intercept japanese troop landing at java.

Nature conditon floats, at westside and south, alongside coast is hilly region as connection from mountain range stripe at sumatra island. at midst is lowland. while to near coast at eastside, alongside java waterfront then to north, be vast waters.