Kecak (pronunciation: / 'ke.tʃak /, roughly "KEH-chahk", an alternative spelling: Ketjak, Ketjack, and One of the), is the Balinese arts performances, which was created in the 1930's and played mainly by men. These were dances by many (tens or more) male dancers who sit around and marching with a certain rhythm called "smack" and raising his arm, describes the story line of the Ramayana, Rama help primates against Rahwana. However, Kecak sanghyang derived from the ritual, the dance tradition that penarinya are not aware of the conditions [1], to make communication with God or the spirit of the ancestors and then-I hope to convey to the community.
The dancers are sitting around the turn of cloth boxes, such as chess boards around their waist. In addition to the dancers, there is also the other dancers who portray figures such as the Ramayana, Rama, Shinta, Rahwana, Hanoman, and Sugriwa.
Kecak dance songs taken from the ritual dances sanghyang. In addition, do not use musical instruments. Only used kincringan imposed on the feet of dancers impersonating figures of the Ramayana.
Around the year 1930's Wayan Limbak working with the German painter Walter Spies create Kecak dance based on tradition and Sanghyang parts of the story of the Ramayana. Wayan Limbak popularize dance this time around the world with the troupe's dancers Bali.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Labels: Culture
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Batik (Batik or words) comes from the Java language "amba", which means that the writing and the "point". The word refers to the batik cloth with a pattern generated by the material "night" (wax) is applied to the top of the cloth, so that the entry of coloring material (dye), in English or in the "wax-resist dyeing."
And the Ragam color batik patterns are influenced by various foreign influence. Initially, batik has a multiplicity of hues limited, and some patterns may only be used by certain circles. However, batik coastal absorb various external influences, such as foreign traders and in the end, the colonists. Color bright red dipopulerkan such as by the Chinese people, who also popularize lynziedoll pattern. European colonizing nations also take interest to batik, and the result is a pattern that bebungaan not previously known (such as tulip flower) and also objects brought by the colonists (the building or train horses), including color delight as they blue. Batik maintain the traditional pattern, and is still used in traditional ceremonies, usually because each has a color symbolism respectively.
Making techniques have been known since thousands of years ago. No description of the history is quite clear about the origin batik. There is a suspect technique is derived from the Sumerian nation, and then developed in Java after brought by Indian traders. Currently batik can be found in many countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, and Iran. Besides in Asia, batik is also very popular in some countries in the African continent. Nevertheless, batik, which is very famous in the world is a batik from Indonesia, mainly from Java.
Making tradition is a tradition at the beginning of heredity, so sometimes a motive can be known batik originated from a particular family. Some motive can indicate the status of a person. Even now, some motive tadisional used only by families of Yogyakarta and Surakarta palace.
Batik is the heritage of ancestors Indonesia (Java), which is still there. Batik is also first introduced to the world by President Soeharto, who at that time the UN Conference on batik.
Labels: Culture
Saturday, December 13, 2008
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Friday, December 12, 2008
mandau sharp weapon of a kind machete comes from dayaks culture at borneo.
mandau belong one of [the] indonesia tradisional weapon differ from charcoal mandau has carving - carving at the lath part not sharp. often also met holes addition at the lath that closed with brass or copper for the purpose of beautify lath mandau.
kumpang lath cover mandau. kumpang made from wood and usually decorated with carving.
in kumpang bound also a kind of made pocket from knife full bark penyerut and tusk wood that believed can averse beast.
mandau that sheathed in kumpang usually fastened at waist with rattan tissue.
basic commodity and price
follow literature at museum balanga, palangkaraya, basic commodity mandau iron (sanaman) mantikei found upriver river matikei, village fall down atei, district sanaman matikei, samba, kotawaringin east.
this iron has bent so that easy is bent.
mandau original the price is begun from rp. 1 million rupiah. mandau original old aged and has strong iron can achieve price rp. 20 million rupiah per lath.
maker basic commodity mandau usually can also use iron per car, chain saw lath, vehicle disk and stick iron other.
work apparatus that used especially hammer, betel, and sebasang pointed iron to burrows mandau for decoration. also used electricity powerful air blower for blaze ironwood wood waste flame utility to heats iron. ironwood wood is chosen because can to produce hot higher is compared another wood.
mandau to cideramata usually bergagang wood, the price revolves rp. 50.000 up to rp. 300.000 depending from iron that used.
mandau original mempunnyai penyang, penyang dayaks tribe science collections that got from result does or instruction lelulur that used to wage war. penyang will make one who will hold mandau magic, strong and invulnerable in face of enemy. mandau and penyang be one unitary inseparable from ancestor.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
temple borobudur
temple borobudur formed punden berundak, consist of six rectan formed levels, three circle round formed levels and a stupa principal as the top. besides widespread at all stage several stupa.
borobudur high rise ten describe clearly sect philosophy mahayana. like a book, borobudur describe ten stages bodhisattva that must be passed to achieve fullness be buddhism.
foot part borobudur symbolize kamadhatu, that is world that still to dominated by kama or " low desire" . this part is a large part closed by stone stack that is guessed made to brace temple construction. in this addition structure closed part is found 120 story panels kammawibhangga. a part little that addition structure be separated out so that person admit of to see relief in this part.
four floors with wall berelief at on it by experts is called rupadhatu. square formed the floor. rupadhatu world that can free self from desire, but still bound by aspect and form. this stage symbolizes nature between that is, between nature under and nature on. in part rupadhatu this is buddhism statues found in wall clefts above ballustrade or gailery.
begin floor fifth up to seventh mendingnya not berelief. this stage is called arupadhatu (that mean not shaped or not extant). circle formed floor sketch. this stage symbolizes nature on, where human freed from all willing and form tie and aspect, but not yet achieve nirvana. buddhism statues is laided in stupa that closed wormeaten like in cage. from outside that statues stills appear dimly.
highest stage that describes form lack is symbolized shaped stupa biggest and highest. stupa described artless without holes. in stupa biggest this is ever found buddhism statue imperfect or called also unfinished buddhism, impute as statue adibuddha, while pass furthermore watchfulness never there statue in stupa principal, statue not finished that be the carver error in away back. follow wrong statue belief in course of the maker really may not be botched. archaeology digging that done at this temple yard finds many statues likes this.
in the past, several buddhism statues together with 30 stones with relief, two lion statues, several time formed stones, ladder and gate is sent to king thailand, chulalongkorn that visit dutch indies (now indonesia) in the year 1896 as present from dutch indies government at the time.
borobudur doesn't has adoration spaces like temples other. existing long roads that are small street. roads are limitted wall surround level temple by level. at roads here's buddhism people is estimated to do ceremony walks to surround temple up at right. building form without room and this storeyed structure is guessed to be development from form punden berundak, be original architecture form from indonesia prehistory time.
structure borobudur when seen from on form field structure.
structure borobudur doesn't wear cement absolutely, but system interlock that is like beams lego that can menempel without glue.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Ketoprak Gamelan
although will be furthermore development ketoprak mortar but function shows ketoprak gamelan this doesn't change, that is as comfort for society, sometimes tuck illumination illumination from government to them.
only story that perfominged in ketoprak gamelan this more many taken from story babad about kingdoms ever there, especially at java.
to stage ketoprak need supporter as much as approximately 34 players, penabuh gamelan, waranggana, and mastermind.
long show to every staging achieves 7 until 8 clocks, and can be done good day also bighttime.
in the theatre of ketoprak these is actors usually guide in drafts short that made by mastermind.
this draft only hold guide about scene everything that must displayed from kernel and story mempentaskan.
dialog, blocking and game others at grand stand thoroughly done by player according to improvisation.
ketoprak this use castanets shaped gamelan complete java pelog and slendro, or slendro.
players ketoprak wear costume and make up has realist as according to character and when do they come up time.
place shows shaped grand stand formed stage with decoration (hind surface) has realist (as according to insident location, for example at forest, at kraton and others).
and so do dialog that said the players.
ketoprak gamelan can be said as tradisional drama usually take story about kingdoms formerly. before principal game ketoprak at begins, usually be setted out beforehand will show extra shaped tari-tarian there is no the connection with story that although will be furthermore development ketoprak mortar but function shows ketoprak gamelan this doesn't change, that is as comfort for society, sometimes tuck illumination illumination from government to them.
only story that perfominged in ketoprak gamelan this more many taken from story babad about kingdoms ever there, especially at java.
to stage ketoprak need supporter as much as approximately 34 players, penabuh gamelan, waranggana, and mastermind.
long show to every staging achieves 7 until 8 clocks, and can be done good day also bighttime.
in the theatre of ketoprak these is actors usually guide in drafts short that made by mastermind.
this draft only hold guide about scene everything that must displayed from kernel and story mempentaskan.
dialog, blocking and game others at grand stand thoroughly done by player according to improvisation.
ketoprak this use castanets shaped gamelan complete java pelog and slendro, or slendro.
players ketoprak wear costume and make up has realist as according to character and when do they come up time.
place shows shaped grand stand formed stage with decoration (hind surface) has realist (as according to insident location, for example at forest, at kraton and others).
and so do dialog that said the players.
ketoprak gamelan can be said as tradisional drama usually take story about kingdoms formerly. before principal game ketoprak at begins, usually be setted out beforehand will show extra shaped tari-tarian there is no the connection with story that be perfominged.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
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