Parangtritis, a tourism place shaped beach coast samudra indies situated approximately 25 kilometer half south city yogyakarta. parangtritis be tour object enough famous special province yogyakarta besides another coast object likes samas, baron, kukup krakal and coast glagah. parangtritis has scenery uniqueness not found in another tour object that is besides big wave also mount existence - sand mount tinngi around coast, sand mount usually called dune. this tour object managed by local government side bantul with good enough, begin from also market that peddle souvenir special parangtritis.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Parangtritis, a tourism place shaped beach coast samudra indies situated approximately 25 kilometer half south city yogyakarta. parangtritis be tour object enough famous special province yogyakarta besides another coast object likes samas, baron, kukup krakal and coast glagah. parangtritis has scenery uniqueness not found in another tour object that is besides big wave also mount existence - sand mount tinngi around coast, sand mount usually called dune. this tour object managed by local government side bantul with good enough, begin from also market that peddle souvenir special parangtritis.
Indonesia Demography
Indonesia citizen divisible marginally in two groups. at part west the citizen indonesia majority temporary malay tribe in the east tribe papua, has root at archipelago melanesia. many indonesia citizens that declare self as part from tribe group more specific, divided to follow language and region origin, java for example, sundanese or batak.
Besides also there outsider citizen minority the total send chinese ethnic, indians, and arabian. they long have come to archipelago with trade route since century to 8 sm and menetap be part from archipelago. in indonesia found around 3% chinese ethnic population. this number varies because only in the year 1930-an latest government the time does census with menggolong-golong indonesia society into tribe and the breed.
islam majority religion embrace by around 85,2% indonesia citizen, that make country indonesia with lot moslem citizen at world. the rest haves protestant (8,9%, catholic (3%, hindu (1,8%, buddhism (0,8% and others (0,3%).
majority indonesia citizen bertutur in regional language as mothertongue, but indonesia official language, indonesian, taught in all schools at these country and dominated by almost entire indonesia citizens.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Kolintang celebes region special castanets north.
Kolintang come from minahasa. he is made from local wood light but strong likes egg, bandaran, wenang, kakinik that has construction fiber parallel.
Name kolintang come from the voice: barrel (low tone), ting (tall tone) and pliers (tone usually). in regional language, invitation" let us do barrel ting pliers" : " mangemo kumolintang" . invitation final turn into word kolintang.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Gamelan ensembel music usually signalize metalofon, gambang, drum, and gong. orchestra gamelan majority found at java, madura, balinese, and chili in indonesia in so many size kind and form ensembel. at balinese and chili in this time, and at java via century ke-18, gong term more assumed synonym with gamelan.
Penalaan and orchestra maker gamelan a complex process. gamelan use four manners penalaan, that is sléndro, pélog, " degung" (special sundanese region, or java west), and " madenda" (also known as mengatonis, same like original minor scale many is worn at europe
Kind gamelan
gamelan java
gamelan balinese
gamelan sundanese
gamelan banyuwangi
gamelan banjar
gamelan kutai
gamelan boufant
gambang kromong
gambang semarang
gamelan america (american gamelan)
Friday, April 11, 2008
Dipper sundanese castanets that is prototype from angklung. differ from angklung that perfominged by shaken, manner hit dipper with stick (wilahan, lath) from ruas (bamboo tube) that follow titi barrel (tone ladder) pentatonik (da-mi-na-ti-la). bamboo kind for dipper maker most of awi wulung (black bamboo), but there also that made from awi temen (white coloured bamboo).
Dipper explanation besides as a means of also cling with the title art shows. there two sundanese dipper forms that is known, that is dipper rantay and dipper carries.
Dipper Rantay
Dipper rantay the tube lath is lined up with spades thong (lulub) from biggest until smallest, the total 7 wilahan (7 ruas bamboo) or more. the tool composition there one line and there also two lines (dipper indung and child/dipper dipper rincik). manner perfomings dipper rantay striken with two hands while sit bersi, usually dipper tied at tree or house room (dipper rantay banjaran-bandung), there also that made ancak" dudu" special from bamboo/wood, dipper for example tarawangsa at cibalong and cipatujah, tasikmalaya, dipper rantay at banjaran and kanekes/baduy.
Dipper Jingjing
As to dipper carries formed suggestive bamboo line that is unified with sebi little bamboo (paniir). dipper carries to consist of four or five fruit, like dipper kingking (consist of 12 bamboo tubes), dipper panepas (5 /3 and 2 bamboo tubes), dipper jongjrong(5 /3 and 2 bamboo tubes), and howl dipper (2 bamboo tubes). completion dipper in the development these days there only use dipper kingking one fruit, panempas two fruit and howl dipper one fruit, without use dipper jongjrong manner perfoming it striken by hand right wear hammer, and left hand carry/holds castanets. while technique hit deliver other melody, mengeleter, mengemprang, mengempyung, meraeh, merincik, merangkep (meracek), salancar, kotrek and solorok.
Dipper kind now is blooming and known in general that is dipper carries. dipper has carried castanets kind that long known by sundanese society, for example in sundanese society at region sindang heula - brebes, central java, and possible be development from dipper form rantay. but at west java, this artistry form is pathed when university student padjadjaran (unpad) that merged into student university council artistry departement (artistry institution unpad) develop this dipper form pass the creativity in the year 1961. follow one of the the pioneer, ekik barkah, that is pengkemasan dipper carries with show it to inspired by game form in show reog that fuse element tabuh, movement and song is merged. then in the year 1963 game forms and tabuh dipper more developed again by kith from studiklub theater bandung (stb; koswara sumaamijaya et al), and between year 1964 - 1965 dippers more socialized again by kith at unpad as art shows has comfort and information (elucidation (oman suparman, he is ruchiyat, eppi k. , enip sukanda, edi, external, and kith), and dipper group sman 4 bandung (abdurohman et al). furthermore spring up dipper groups at society bandung, for example layung essence, cheerful earth, and glamor (1970) and others, up to these days spring up dipper player idol names among others tajudin nirwan, odo, uko hendarto, adang cengos, and hendarso.
Dipper artistry development so fast at west java, up to there increasing several castanets in dipper, for example kosrek, kacapi, piul (violin) and may even exist that equip with keyboard and guitar. vocal element is very dominant, so that many spring up famous dipper vocalist, like adang cengos, and hendarso.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Indonesia Tradisional Castanets
Tradisional castanets that is has many kind from various region in indonesia, but there [are] also many from indonesia tradisional castanets is 'steal'ed by country other for culture increasing and the music art self with mematen indonesian culture art copyright. indonesia tradisional castanets among others covers:
gandang tabuik
balinese drum
drum karo
malay drum
gong kemada
gong lambus
kendang java
flute lembang
sundanese flute
tifa, and etc.