Thursday, March 27, 2008

From Lampung


As a region, float has Lampung kind music kind, begin from tradisional kind up to modern (modern music that adopteds global music culture. red). as to music kind that still to survive until now: kelasik float, this music kind is usually is escorted by castanets gambus and acoustics guitar. may be this music kind is islam culture blend and itself original culture. several festivals activities will be be held as a mean to will develop tradisional music culture without having to will worry will lose spirit. festivals krakatau the example, a festivals that held by local government floats that aim to introduce to float to world outside and all at once be tourism promotion arena.
There various dance kind that be culture asset provinsi float. one of [the] famous dance kind dance curtseys. ritual dance curtseys usually held by society floats to greet and give honour to guests or that invitation, may be we can say as a expectation dance. besides as ritual expectation, dance curtseys even also often time is carried out in wedding custom ceremony masyara float.

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Monday, March 24, 2008

Karapan Sapi from Madura Island

Karapan Sapi (cow) is word used to denote called cow race race that come from island madura, east java. in this race, a pair cow that interesting a kind of carriage from wood (jockey place stands and restrain cow pair) run in race fights fast oppose cow pairs other. trek race usually around 100 meters and race race can go on around ten until fifteen second. several cities at madura conduct karapan cow in august and september every year, with finals match at the end of september or october at city pamekasan to get cup takes president.

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