Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Mount Bromo

Mount Bromo (2329 m asl), is one of several other mountain mountains that lie in the complex area of the Tengger Mountains, standing in the area of 8-10 km diameter caldera that its caldera wall surrounding the sea sand is very steep with a slope of 60-80 degrees  ± and height ranged between 200-600 meters. The attraction of Mount Bromo crater special is in the middle of the crater with a vast sea of sand that stretches around the crater of Bromo which is still visible white smoke at all times, signifying mountain is still active.
History Formation
According to the history of the formation of Mount Bromo and sea of sand came from two mountain huddled together with each other. Tengger mountain (4,000 m asl) which is the largest and highest mountain at that time. Then a small eruption, volcanic material thrown into the southeast to form a large valley to the village and the cattle kerep. Massive eruption and then create a caldera with a diameter of more than eight kilometers. Because inside the caldera, the volcanic eruption of advanced materials piled in and is now a sea of sand and the expected long ago been filled by water and then continued activity is the emergence of the middle aisle caldera magma so that it appears the mountain - a new mountain, among others, sea sand, Widodaren Mountain, Mount Watangan, Seat Mount, Mount Batok and Mount Bromo.
Legend Society

According to the legend about the origin explained this Tengger tribe. Formerly on the island of Java in order by the King of Majapahit which UB has a daughter named Rara Anteng who married Joko Seger, descendants of Brahmins. When there is unrest on the island of Java, some people are loyal to the Hindu religion fled to the island of Bali. Others withdrew from the world of hustle and settled on a plateau at the foot of Mount Bromo, led by Roro Anteng and Joko Seger, be they ethnic Tengger, short Anteng and Seger.
Mountain Complex

Mount Bromo volcano is part one in the Tengger Mountains Complex. In the vast expanse of sand (Sea of Sand) with mountains in the center are: M. Bromo (2392 m asl), M. Batok (2440 m asl), M. Widodaren (2614 m asl), M. Watangan (2.601 m asl) and M. chair (2581 m asl). Caldera wall that surrounds the sea sand is very steep with a slope of ± 60-80 degrees and high ranging between 200-600 meters. On the circumference of the Tengger caldera there are several mountains such as M. Penanjakan (2770 m asl.), M. Cemorolawang, M. Lingker (2.278m asl.), M. Shoulder Ox (2635 m asl.), M magic spell (2705 m asl.), G.Ider-ider (2527 m asl.) and G. Mungal (2480 m asl.). While in there Jambangan Mountain M. Complex Lana (2313 m asl), M-Ayek Ayek (2819 m asl), M. Panggonan Little (2883 m asl), M Keduwung (2334 m asl), M Pot (3020 m asl), M Widodaren (2,000 m asl), M Kepolo (3035 m asl), M Malang (2401 m asl), and M Semeru (3676 m asl).
Enjoying Sunrise
One of the most exciting attractions on Mount Bromo is the sun rises. The clouds that cover the sky slowly uncovered by yellowish-white ball - brass. Rosy light in the eastern horizon. Slowly - gabby land there arose an increasingly enlarged to form a half circle of the sun which lights up red. Gradually - gradually turned into a golden color. The air around began to explain. Start a new day and life. Everything reminds us of the greatness of God Almighty. Except at thetop of the of Bromo ,sunrise attractions can be viewed at the Top Pananjakan .
Ceremony Kasada (Kasodo)

On 14 and 15 months to twelve (in Java) or in December / January (year AD) held a ceremony Kasada. In this ceremony sacrificed some of the rice paddies, fields and livestock community and threw it into the crater of Mount Bromo as a sign of gratitude to God Almighty. In addition to well known Kasodo Ceremony Ceremony Karo And cranefly.

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Monday, January 31, 2011

10 Best Webhosting

Needs a web hosting has become a must for anyone who will conduct an online publication. Moreover, if we want to build an online business through online stores. We only have one choice of building their own websites on their own to build an integrity.

Currently, many hosting providers that appear to indicate an increasingly competitive rivalry. But with so many hosting providers in addition to bringing convenience also need vigilance in determining choice. Because the factors that must be possessed of a good hosting is a service.

Of the many choices are often made many users feel confused to select it. But after searching I found a website that intentionally detailing ten best web hosting to serve as a viable option. Indeed, after compare web hosts available today which is very large, ten web hosts that deliberately in these listings has advantages over the other. Ten web hosting are:

1. Just Host
2. Host Clear
3. Super Green
4. Host Gator
5. Green Geeks
6. Site 5
Upon Host
8. WHB (WebHostingBuzz)
9. Arvixe
10. RONET Hosting

From the observations which I do from the GoDaddy user reviews, hosting over the most widely used. This means that hosting services - hosting is indeed very satisfying customers that deserve to be an option for online publication.

There is a web hosting which I think is very nice that is Just Host. Because based on Just Host user reviews, web hosting is widely used for various reasons. But clearly this histing website provides everything is unlimited. Disk Space, Bandwidth, Hosted Websites is provided without limit, and a free domain for life. How to price? Here is where the excess. Of the ten web hosting above JustHost provide the cheapest price, only $ 4.45
So that web hosting is an option worth our bolts. 

Of the ten Webhosting these all provide disk space and bandwidth with no limits except Godaddy.com which provide 150 GB of disk space and 1500 GB bandwidth per month. As for all of them give a free domain.

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Jaipong Dance

Jaipongan is a genre of dance that was born from the creativity of an artist from Bandung, Gugum Gumbira. Attention to folk art, one of which is Tap Tilu know and know well make it perbendaharan dance movement patterns that exist in the tradition Kliningan / Bajidoran or Tap Tilu. Opening movements, pencugan, nibakeun and several kinds of motion of several arts mincid above have enough inspiration to develop a dance or art that is now known as the Jaipongan.
Before this form of performance art show, there are several forms of dance influences behind this association. In West Java, for example, social dance is the influence of the Ball Room, which is usually in a dance-dance association could not be separated from existence and pamogoran ronggeng. Ronggeng in social dance is no longer functioning for activities of the ceremony, but for entertainment or a way of hanging out. The existence ronggeng in the performing arts has an appeal that invites sympathy for the pamogoran. For example on Tilu Tap dance is so well known by the Sundanese people, is expected this art popular around the year 1916. As the folk performing arts, this art is supported only by simple elements, such as waditra that includes fiddle, drums, two kulanter, three percussion, and gongs. Similarly, the dance movements that do not have a standard pattern of motion, a simple costume dancer as a reflection of democracy.
Along with the waning type of art above, the former pamogoran (spectators who play an active role in the performing arts Tap Tilu / Doger / Tayub) switched its attention on the performing arts Kliningan, which in the north coast of West Java (Karawang, Bekasi, Purwakarta, Indramayu, and Subang ) known as Kliningan Bajidoran dance patterns and events that show has some similarities with the previous art (Tap Tilu / Doger / Tayub). In the meantime, the existence of masked dances in Banjet quite popular, especially in Karachi, where some Bajidoran motion pattern taken from the dance in this Banjet Mask. In koreografis dance is still reveal the patterns of tradition (Tap Tilu) which contains elements of the opening movements, pencugan, nibakeun and several kinds of motion mincid which in turn become the basis of the creation of dance Jaipongan. Some basic dance movements Jaipongan apart from Tap Tilu, Ibing Bajidor and Mask Banjet is Tayuban and Pencak Silat.
The emergence of dance works Gugum Gumbira initially called Tap Tilu development, that is because it is a basic dance from Tap Tilu development. The first work Gugum Gumbira still very thick with color Ibing Tilu Tap, both in terms of choreography and iringannya, who then dance it became popularly known as Jaipongan.

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